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Spazioteca Bookcase

Original price was: £0.00.Current price is: £0.00.

Arranging a customised space for everything, creating distinctive combinations and balancing open and closed spaces: Spazioteca is the synergy of order, rhythm and proportion. The classic bookcase concept opens up to new versatile possibilities, providing a place to store objects, books and a TV screen, dividing areas of the home and integrating home office solutions.

Contact LOOP Ltd for a custom made solution for your home.

The sale is now on. 15% off all products ordered online.

It is the first modular system with side panels, shelves, back panels and dividers with 1 cm pace as standard, and compartments with no visible holes or hardware. Every composition has the same dynamic, lightweight design, custom-made to meet every need.

Unit Finish

Wood, Matt lacquered

Back panels

High gloss lacquered, Matt lacquered, Materico Marble, Materico Wood, Materico


Woods, High gloss lacquered, Matt lacquered, Materico, Slate, Mirror, Glass, Marble glass, Lacquered glass

Sliding doors

Wood, High gloss lacquered, Matt lacquered, Mirror glass, Glass, Lacquered glass


Open modules, Television panel, Handles

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